Dorothy’s End of Life Planning Packet
Dorothy Mullen, whose “radically real schpiels” on death and dying were an inspiration to her community, co-hosted a public even with Hereafter Partners founder Leslie Rowley. The video of the event and the accompanying informational packet should be part of anyone’s “starter kit” when it comes to end of life planning.
Expert spokespeople shared insights and “to do” items on such topics as financial and legal planning for end of life, how to be an executor, when medicinal marijuana may be right for you, eligibility and access to New Jersey’s medical aid in dying option, and how to budget and plan for bodily disposition and a meaningful memorial. We collected one-page resource guides on these topics and added Dorothy’s planning matrix and Leslie’s Need to Know Kit checklist.
Special thanks to the following presenters and affiliated organizations, who allowed their materials to be shared:
Virginia Bryant, Esq. | Rhone Bryant LLC |
Kim Callinan, CEO | Compassion & Choices |
Stephen Goldfine, MD and Jennifer Adams|
Vincent Leonti, MD | Princeton Integrative Health |
George Luciani, CFP | Covered Bridge Advisors |
Laurie Powsner | Funeral Consumer Advocate |
And to Sharyn Murray | Locomotion Multimedia
and Chuck McEnroe | BSG Media Production